Friday, April 27, 2012

How it all began

It's been nearly five years since I started Dreamhome, my serviced apartment business. The journey has been magical, considering that I literally stumbled into the trade when I wanted to give out my brand new apartment on rent. A friend working for an IT major wanted to pay good money for housing some of his office employees for a couple of months. And voila! I had found the key to a successful business. And it grew so well and so soon that I quit my plush Merchant Navy job to focus on Dreamhome ServicedApartments.

But don't assume that it was a cakewalk. Far from it. There have been times when I have played multiple roles—that of driver, manager, proprietor (due to lack of manpower). And once, labour problems had even driven me and my girlfriend (now wife) to mop up an apartment. Thankfully, Dreamhome has sailed past such crises to emerge stronger every time.

1 comment:

  1. It's always been a pleasure knowing Craig Fernandes on a personal level and dealing with Dreamhome Serviced Apartments. Genuine and personal service provided always. I would always recommend him to all my friends. I wish him all the best. Keep up the good work and may Dreamhome serviced apartments reach new heights. God bless

    Ralston Dcunha
