Monday, April 30, 2012

Entering the big league

Professional Housekeeping
It was in the early days of Dreamhome when I got this top banker as client. He had informed me that he would be checking out around 3 in the morning as he had an early morning flight. In those days, I had few housekeeping boys, so I said I myself would go to fetch the apartment key once he checks out. When I reached, my client was in a state of panic. He couldn't get any taxi for the airport, he explained. So I said I would give him a drop. And he was really pleased, couldn't believe that I, being the owner of the company, would chauffeur him to the airport.

That's not all. A month later, I get a call from the same client, offering me a big deal, that of providing accommodation to some of the bank's employees at my guest house for a few months. Needless to say, this was the biggest deal for Dreamhome at the time and truly helped put the company in the big league. I knew then that my motto—'no job is inferior'—paid off handsomely.

1 comment:

  1. This shows the charrecter and persona in you.
    Also the birth of dreamhome.
    Keep the same persona going and dramhome will jus hav work work n more work.
    All the very best ahead.
    And for sure now this would giv me a reason to keep a regualr tab on what dreamhome will have on offer.
    Great going ! Craig.
